очень странно и непонятно звучит, но вроде прикольно
очень странно и непонятно звучит, но вроде прикольно
can i use this in my game?
can I use this in my game?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at eros non eros rutrum condimentum vel ultrices mi. Pellentesque faucibus felis ullamcorper, mattis lacus eget, sodales dui. Curabitur ac sapien dapibus mi bibendum maximus. Cras id leo aliquet, semper velit ac, commodo metus. Donec efficitur velit a sagittis laoreet. Sed.
I came from R4R thread and here's my review
what I liked:I liked how this song various and the rhythm of the music.
what I not liked:At some moments the song was sounding very dirty, for example, at 0:22. Also, I heard dissonance in the melody here, like at 1:53, sounds preety inharmonious.
Overall:this song is very good and creative, and I liked it, but there's some flaws.
I don't really think I'm good at reviewing
sounds at 0:27 was a great decision
I liked - almost everything about this.
I disliked - the repetativeness of the song. by the end it's getting a bit annoying
This song is very good, nice work.
came from R4R thread
the F
I don't really like these noises at the start that you can hear for the whole song, they are sounding a bit annoying and inharmonic.
Anyways the song itself is nice :]
Im sorry you found them annoying! Thank you for leaving a comment :D
masterpiece, can't say anything else.
i am
Joined on 11/13/18