Very good game song! I want to use this song in my game, can I?
Very good game song! I want to use this song in my game, can I?
Go for it, this one is free to use for Newgrounds projects!
great song!
Good song
I love all your songs!
I think its dubstep.
Also good song.
It says the genres in the description btw :)
Some dirt sounds, but cool!
Dirty because of climate change :^)
Bau bau bau tutututbtabauabayau avbab yu bus tutu ch thytu ch tutututuchchchc tuc
Also song is good
What was that? XD
Lyrics: infinite power (drop) infinite power (???) Infinite power (2md drop) infimite power (???) (end)
Thanks for the lyrics XD
All broken universes music?
i am
Joined on 11/13/18